Paul Harvey and David Limbaugh’s Reviews of Mel Gibson’s Film “The Passion”-Truth! & Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
This eRumor includes two separate eRumors that have circulated individually.
One is comments by Paul Harvey regarding Mel Gibson’s film “The Passion.”
The other is comments about the film by attorney and conservative columnist David Limbaugh.
The Truth:
Mel Gibson’s film is about the last twelve hours of the life of Jesus.
CLICK HERE for more about the movie project.
The Paul Harvey version of the review of the review of the film is not from Paul Harvey.
It was written by attorney and author Keith Fornier.
We’re guessing that someone looked at the forwarded email, liked what it said, but didn’t know who Keith Fornier was and decided to take his name off and put a better known name on…that of Paul Harvey.
The other review is authentically from David Limbaugh and was published as a column on July 9, 2003.
Last updated 1/22/04