“I’m Sorry,” comment from Marine Lieutenant General Chuck Pitman-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
A commentary said to be from Marine Lieutenant. General Chuck Pitman. It is a sequence of several “I’m sorrys” centered on terrorists and terrorism.
The Truth:
This was not written by retired Lieutenant General Chuck Pitman.
It is from the pen of professor, author, and columnist Mike S. Adams and was published at Townhall.com in June, 2004. He called it his “Apology to the Arab World.”
The email version has been passed around the Internet ever since and has gone through changes along the way including somebody somewhere adding the name of Lieutenant General Chuck Pitman. Pitman is a retired Marine general. He served for 38-years and was deputy chief of staff for Marine corps aviation. He was a pilot in Vietnam where he was shot down seven times. He was a part of the attempted rescue of 52 American hostages from Iran in April, 1980, a mission that failed and in which eight American military men were killed. He was also the one who provided a Marine helicopter to New Orleans police on January 7, 1972 when mass murderer Mark Essex was surrounded in a hotel. Essex was killed during the operation.