Priest Says God Is a Woman after Near-Death Experience-Fiction!

Priest Says God Is a Woman after Near-Death Experience – Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:  

A priest from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston who died for 48 minutes said he met god, who he described as a motherly figure, before he was brought back to life.

The Truth:


A fake news website started this false report.

World News Daily Report ran a fictitious story that claimed Father John Michael O’neal suffered a massive heart attack and was officially dead for 48 minutes before medics were able to re-start his heart. Upon waking, the priest said that he went to heaven and met god, who was “a warm and comforting motherly figure.” According to the report:

“Her presence was both overwhelming and comforting” states the Catholic priest. “She had a soft and soothing voice and her presence was as reassuring as a mother’s embrace. The fact that God is a Holy Mother instead of a Holy Father doesn’t disturb me, she is everything I hoped she would be and even more!”

The fake news report was shared on social media thousands of times, and media outlets around the world repeated the claim.

But World News Daily Report is a fake news website and assumes “all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content,” according to its disclaimer.