Herman Rosenblat and “The Girl with the Apple”-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
The remarkable and touching story of a Jewish boy who survived the Holocaust and the girl who gave him apples over the fence of the death camp where he was imprisoned. Later as adults in the United States they found each other and married. (Complete story is below)
The Truth:
The story of Herman and Roma Rosenblat was thought to be true but according to a December 28, 2008 Associated Press (AP) article, Rosenblat recently “acknowledged that he and his wife did not meet, as they had said for years, at a sub-camp of Buchenwald, where she allegedly sneaked him apples and bread”.
A book titled “Angel at the Fence” was written by Rosenblat based on his “story of love born on opposite sides of a barbed-wire fence at a concentration camp.” According the AP story the publisher cancelled his memoir that was due for release in February 2009. Click for AP Story
According to the news report, “Rosenblat, 79, has been married to the former Roma Radzicky for 50 years, since meeting her on a blind date in New York. In a statement issued Saturday through his agent, he described himself as an advocate of love and tolerance who falsified his past to better spread his message.”
According to the article, Rosenblat said that he “wanted to bring happiness to people,” and that he wanted to bring “hope to a lot of people.” He went on to say that his “motivation was to make good in this world.”
Prior to this new report, a company named Atlantic Overseas Pictures was producing a film about them. It is not known if this motion picture will still be in production.
Pictures of Herman and Roma are posted on the site.
Updated 12/28/08