Summary of eRumor:
This eRumor is usually in pictures without any text although sometimes there is mention of a beach in Maryland. It is a collection of pictures of Jesus sculpted in sand. There are numerous Internet sites that have the pictures posted without reference to where the sand sculptures appeared or who the artist is. Some versions say the sculptures are made each day and washed away by the surf.
The Truth:
According to an 8/26/02 article in the Ocean City Today
newspaper in Ocean City, Maryland, the sculptures are the work of artist Randy Hofman. The summer sculptures usually appear in front of the Palm Plaza hotel. Hofman is an ordained minister who also passes out a Christian booklet to beach visitors who come to view his art. He estimates he’s given out 800,000 of them since he started in the mid 1980’s. Each of his creations lasts for about a week. He’s got a website at