Sensible Gun Control-Fiction!

Sensible Gun Control-Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:
This is forwarded email alleging Democrats and radical left wingers were responsible for the deaths of presidents and many other citizens throughout history. It offered the solution to the problem as taking guns away from members of the Democratic party.

The Truth:
This is a joke and should not be take seriously. In our investigation we detected that some of the facts in this eRumor were incorrect.
The first example in the eRumor alleged that actor, and President Lincoln assassin, John Wilkes Booth was a member of theDemocratic party. Booth was a member of the Know Nothing Party.
Charles J. Guiteau, the man who shot and killed President James Garfield was a Republican. He wrote a speech for James Garfield. Guiteau shot Garfield because the president did not appoint him as an ambassador.
Not much is known about the political affiliations of John Hinckley, Jr., who attempted to kill President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981, but there was a Bush connection with the family. Hinkley’s father was a financial supporter of the campaign of George H. W. Bush when he ran for office in 1980. Also, Hinkley’s father, Scott, was scheduled to have dinner with Neil Bush, the son of the vice president, on the day after the attempted assassination of President Reagan.
The McDonalds mass murderer was committed by James Huberty not James Hubert, as noted in the eRumor. We found no evidence that he was a Democrat. Huberty’s online biographies indicated that he was a survivalist and obsessed with Soviet agression. He believed in an impending breakdown of society, economic collapse, and that he was in the advent of a nuclear war. Because of this he had invested in non-perishable foods and an arsenal of weapons.
Larry Ashbrook, not Larry Asbrook, was the man who killed seven people attending a concert by Christian rock group Forty Days at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas. No political affiliation was found.

Seung-Hui Cho, who killed 32 people on April 16, 2007, at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, was a immigrant from South Korea. He had a U.S. permanent resident alien status, which means he was not eligible to vote or join a political party.
Mass movie murder suspect James Holmes may have never registered to vote, according to a July 20, 2012, article by the Hollywood Reporter.
Posted 7/10/2014