Emergency Room Doctor Writes About the Health Care Crisis- Commentary!
Summary of eRumor:
This is a forwarded email with comments made by Dr. Starner Jones regarding an experience in the emergency room of the hospital where he practices medicine. Dr. Jones warns “that our nation’s ‘health care crisis’ is not the result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather, it is the result of a ‘crisis of culture.'”
The Truth:
Doctor Roger Starner Jones specializes in emergency medicine at The University of Mississippi medical Center and wrote this letter to the editor of the Clarion Ledger. It appeared in the August 29, 2009 edition of Jackson, Mississippi newspaper.
Many versions of this email appear to be addressed to President Obama which is incorrect. Dr. Jones’ version was addressed as “Dear Sirs:” Click for Dr. Jones’ commentary.
updated 01/21/10