9/11 The Survival Story of Cary Sheih-Truth!

The Survival Story of Cary Sheih Who Was in the World Trade Center on September 11-Truth!



Summary of eRumor:
The first-hand account of Cary Sheih who tells of being shaken by the impact of a jetliner hitting Tower One of the World Trade Center, the escape from the 72nd floor of the building, and the heroism of the firefighters and police.

The Truth:

This was originally circulated as having come from a surviving employee of the Bank of America.  A couple of Bank of America employees emailed us saying that his name was not known among Bank of America employees at the World Trade Center and that he was not on any employee lists.

According to the Charlotte Observer newspaper, it turns out that Sheih was in the towers on a project for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.  He’s from New York and is a technical consultant.  He said he wrote the e-mail after countless requests to recount his harrowing experience. He’s not sure how the confusion arose.