A Restaurant Served a Steak Contaminated with Human Urine-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
This alleges that a woman got sick after eating at a restaurant in and later tests on the steak revealed it was contaminated with human urine. The writer of the email says that there is a lawsuit as well as DNA testing to find out whose urine it was.
The Truth:
This is a hoax, and one that has caused near devastation for more than one restaurant about which it has been spread.
The eRumor has been circulated about Outback restaurants in Champaign, Illinois and Charleston, South Carolina as well as other restaurants in other parts of the country, both local and chain restaurants. In 2007 this rumor started circulating about the Texas Roadhouse restaurant in Cheyenne, Wyoming and was debunked by reporters from the Wyoming Tribune-Eagle newspaper. That one claimed that the steak was contaminated with urine, feces, and meth. The incident never happened.
There is no evidence from the restaurants, hospitals, county health departments, any published reports, or any other first-hand sources that this has ever happened.