Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart-Fiction! & Satire!

Woman Kills Three For Last X-Box at Chicago Wal-Mart-Fiction! & Satire!

Summary of eRumor:

This is a forwarded email that alleged that three people in a Chicago area Wal-Mart were killed by a woman in a dispute over the last X-Box.

The Truth:

This is satire from the Daily Currant and should not be taken seriously.

The Daily Currant has a reputation of putting out whoppers on the Internet.   Some of their headlines are:

Netanyahu, Ahmadinejad Join Forces to Blast Iran Nuclear Deal

Kansas Requires Abortion Clinics to Withstand Tsunamis

Charlie Sheen Calls for Rob Ford’s Resignation

These are all satire and made up for the sake of entertainment.

Posted 12/03/13