Ben Bernanke Told Everyone At a Neighborhood Bar How Screwed The Economy Really Is-Fiction!

Ben Bernanke Told Everyone At a Neighborhood Bar How Screwed The Economy Really Is-Fiction!

Summary of eRumor:

This is a forwarded email that appears to be an article about Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke.  It says that a “totally sloshed” Bernanke walked into a bar, ordered some drinks and told patrons the truth of the condition of the country’s economy.  The story also said that the impaired Federal Reserve Chairman refused to pay for his bar tab because he felt that his money was worthless but managed to feed the jukebox with enough coins to play the Dire Straits song, Money For Nothing five times in a row.

The Truth:

If this sounds like a joke, it is.  This is political satire by The Onion website and should not be taken seriously.

The satire piece was posted on the website on August 3, 2011 and went viral on the World Wide Web shortly afterwards.

updated 8/05/11