New Postage Stamp Honors Unsung Rescuer of Jews from the Nazis-Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
The eRumor says that a new postage stamp has been issued to honor Harry Bingham, a U.S. diplomat during World War II who helped 2,500 Jews escape Nazi pressure by issuing them U.S. visas in France against the orders of his superiors. He was also involved in other activities that helped rescue Jews or track down Nazi war criminals.
The Truth:
According to the U.S. Postal Service, the stamp is real and so was Harry Bing
In 1940 and 1941 Bingham was the U.S. vice consul in Marseilles, France. Following the fall of France in 1940, the armistice with Germany required the French to return to Germany any Germans in France that the Germans named. Police began arresting German and Jewish refugees that the Nazis had marked for death. Bingham defied U.S. policy at the time and issued visas and false passports to more than 2,000 Jewish refugees, which allowed them to leave France and escape Nazi persecution. He was later transferred to Argentina where in addition to his official duties he helped keep track of Nazi war criminals.
Updated 6/21/06