Forward an Email, Get Free Tickets on British Airways–Fiction!
Summary of eRumor
The eRumor says that due to the war in Iraq and the SARS virus outbreak, British Airways is having trouble getting passengers. If you’ll forward the email to help advertise the airline, you’ll get free tickets on British Airways.
The Truth:
According to British Airways, this is a hoax and they have nothing to do with the email.
This is patterned after other eRumor hoaxes, especially the now infamous AOL-Intel eRumor. For more on that, CLICK HERE.
Also, any email that asks you to forward it to others so that you can receive money, certificates, or products and that the forwarded email is being traced is a hoax.
There is no mechanism being used on the Internet to trace forwarded emails for the purpose of compensating you or anyone else.
Last updated 7/10/2003