Dog Owner Claims His Dog’s Tongue Had to be Amputated After Playing With a Defective Pet Toy-Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
A forwarded email about a dog named Chai that warns of a defect in a product called “Four Paws Rough and Rugged Pimple Ball”. The pet owner said the defective pet toy caused so much damage that the dog’s tongue had to be amputated.
The Truth:
According to Daniel Rechelbacher, the owner of the 10 year old Lab mix this is true. Rechelbacher has posted the details in a blog that documents the story. He said that Chai was injured after it chewed on what Rechelbacher said was a defective toy identified as a “Rough and Rugged Pimple Ball with Bell.” Rechelbacher updated his blog with videos of Chai’s progress and detailed how hard it is to retrain the Lab to eat and drink after the amputation of his tongue. Click here for blog
The Four Paws Products Company, the maker of the pet toy, issued a recall on the Rough and Rugged Pimple Ball With Bell and an an official statement can be found on their website.
Click for Four Paws Recall statement
updated 12/30/08