The story of Tommy, the atheist theology student who was found by God-Truth!

The Story of Tommy, the Atheist Theology Student Who Was Found by God-Truth!

Summary of eRumor: (See the complete version below):    
A touching story of a priest and a university student.  The student came to the priest’s Theology class at Loyola University as an atheist.  At the close of the term, he asked the priest, “Do you think I’ll ever find God.”  The priest shocked him by saying no, but that he felt that God would find him.  Time passes and the student is diagnosed with terminal cancer.  He finds the priest to tell him that God did indeed find him.

The Truth:

  This story was written by Father John Powell, a retired professor at Loyola University in Chicago.  Father Powell is advanced in years, but found him and talked with him.   The story was fresh in his mind and he confirmed that it is true and happened in the way that he described it.

Father Powell was a popular priest and author in Chicago and was accused by six adults of having sexually abused them in the late 60s and early 70s.  The cases were resolved in a settlement with Powell in which no charges were filed but he did admit to the abuse.

Last updated 08/11/08