NBC Predicted RFID Chips to be Implanted in all Americans by 2017-Truth! & Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Video on YouTube shows an NBC Dateline report with a prediction that all Americans will receive a microchip implant in 2017 because it was written into the Affordable Care Act. Has Obamacare mandated the mark of the beast on every American?
The Truth:
The NBC report is real, and the prediction appeared on the network, but implanting microchips in Americans is not part of the Affordable Care Act.
Opinions, articles and conspiracy theories have gone viral on the Web that incorrectly reference old drafts of the Affordable Care Act, which were never enacted. HR-3590 was the version of the Affordable Care Act that was signed into law by President Obama, and anything referring to HR-3200 should be disregarded as fiction.
The HR-3590 bill mentions medical devices, but Radio Frequency ID (RFID) chip implantation in Americans is not part of the healthcare law.
Posted 04/10/14
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