The Marine who Returned From Afghanistan and Warmed a Real Estate Office in California –Truth!
Summary of eRumor:
The story of a group of realtors in California who had written letters to soldiers in Afghanistan to tank and encourage them. After he had returned home from his service in Afghanistan, one of the soldiers came to visit with the realtors and to tell them how much their letters had meant. He also presented them with a flag that had flown over the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. One of the realtors, Ann Baker, wrote about it to a local newspaper.
The Truth:
This story is true. Ann Baker, coincidentally, was the first producer for founder Rich Buhler’s radio talk show in Los Angeles in the early 1980’s. She says that since the newspaper article was published, she’s received emails, letters, and phone messages from appreciative members of the military and their families. She’s set up a website at