Bounce Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets Work as Bug Repellent –Truth! & Misleading!
Bounce fabric softener dryer sheets repel bugs like mosquitoes, gnats and flies.
Bounce fabric softener dryer sheets repel bugs like mosquitoes, gnats and flies.
Ziploc bags filled with water and pennies can be used to keep flies away.
Lowes Home Improvement has offered a $200 coupon for any purchase of $220 or more.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) are radioactive and add more toxicity to the environment than regular light bulbs because they contain mercury.
Kerosene can be used to cure cancer and other blood diseases.
Burning Some Kinds of Candles in the Home Can Cause Indoor Pollution-Truth! Summary of eRumor: An email is making the rounds that talks about a woman in Texas whose family has experienced a variety of health problems which she says are due to the lead content of some candles. The email warns that burning candles …
Beware of potential pollution from certain candles-Truth! Read More »
Dangerous Gas in Car Air Conditioners is Causing Lung Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: This email says that air conditioners in 1985 to 1998 cars are dangerously toxic and are spewing a gas that is the leading cause of Alzheimer’s disease and lung cancer. The Truth: This story is filled with fiction …
Procter & Gamble Supports a Controversial Cincinnati Gay Rights Proposal and Homosexual Marriage–Truth! & Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The eRumor encourages a boycott of Procter & Gamble for the company’s support of a controversial ballot issue in Cincinnati that is regarded as a pro-homosexual measure. The Truth: It is true that Procter & Gamble contributed …
Beware of Lead in Popular Lipstick Brands–Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The email says that several lipstick brands contain lead and suggests a simple way to tell whether there is lead in your lipstick. The Truth: We’ve spent a considerable amount of time looking into this one and there is nothing to substantiate …
This is a forwarded email that contains an article about the boot maker UGG. The article alleges that UGG boots are made from skins and wool sheered from inhumanly treated sheep.