Did the Biden Administration Censor, Cancel, or Ban Dr. Seuss Books Due to Racist Content?
Dr. Seuss, a childhood institution, was under purported attack due to “political correctness,” also called “cancel culture.”
Dr. Seuss, a childhood institution, was under purported attack due to “political correctness,” also called “cancel culture.”
A viral Facebook post beginning “Happy Banned Books Week” was swiftly followed by a correction which was nearly as popular.
A late-night Trump tweet about shooting protesters was quickly swept into an unrelated dispute about Twitter “fact check” labels.
A resolution purportedly aimed to label the two organizations as “fake” carried no financial penalties, nor would it have any effect on distribution of their news stories.
A bot-driven cut-and-pasted status update claims that Democrats used $40 million “trying to impeach” U.S. President Donald Trump.
The American Founding Father and third United States president had a lot of pithy thoughts and catchy quotes, but this is not one of them.
In May 2019, the Facebook page “McGroarty for Freedom” shared the following meme containing a quote attributed to George Washington concerning the rights of citizens to bear arms: Across a black background, white text read: “When government takes away citizens’ right to bear arms it becomes citizens’ duty to take away government’s right to govern.” George Washington No …
In March 2019, a photo-based Facebook image post (archived here) contained the claim that 21 fathers died by suicide every week specifically because of “child access issues”: The post included a status update comment and a message on a sign which read, respectively: To all you women who play god with your kids just to …
Do 21 Fathers Die of Suicide Each Week Because of Child Custody Disputes? Read More »
In March 2019, a poster of “Company Policies” spread on Facebook (archived here) and other sites, purportedly illustrating draconian — yet believable — rules for employees at an unidentified company: Many versions of the image appeared to come from Snapchat, with a circled portion around “sick days” and a comment: “This part tho .. wth.” The …
On February 26 2019, the Facebook page “Occupy Democrats” shared the following meme (archived here), alleging that state legislator from Arkansas Alan Clark proposed cuts to school lunch programs for disadvantaged children: Text around a photograph of Clark read: Idiot Politician of the Day – February 26, 2019 America, meet Arkansas Republican State Representative Alan Clark. …
Did an Arkansas Republican Propose Cutting Free Lunches to Punish Students? Read More »