Camilla Canepa and #ProtectYourFamily
Several posts about the June 2021 death of Camilla Canepa are circulating — many minus Facebook’s “vaccine info” box.
Several posts about the June 2021 death of Camilla Canepa are circulating — many minus Facebook’s “vaccine info” box.
A mischaracterization of a pre-print study about “vaccine hesitancy” further advanced anti-vaxxer falsehoods.
Cynical lies are undermining efforts to reach a population that has already been primed to refuse the COVID-19 vaccine.
A May 2021 “preprint” provided another round of fodder for attention-seeking conspiracy theorists.
Researchers at the Center for Countering Digital Hate and Anti-Vax Watch say the majority of disinformation comes from just a handful of purveyors.
A now-viral video was released to promote an upcoming book and documentary.
A 2013 opinion piece was ready-made for being spread by anti-vaccination blogs.