Health / Medical

Cancer can be caused by foods in plastics and that's how Sheryl Crow gotcancer-Fiction! and Unproven!

Don’t Use Plastic for Heating Foods in a Microwave Oven Because of Exposure to Dioxins-Fiction! & Unproven! Heated Bottles of Water Are Dangerous and Caused Sheryl Crow’s Cancer-Fiction!   Summary of eRumor: There are a several versions of this eRumor. The first to appear on the Internet was a message that says a Dr. Edward …

Cancer can be caused by foods in plastics and that's how Sheryl Crow gotcancer-Fiction! and Unproven! Read More »

Butter versus Margarine-Truth! and Fiction!

Margarine or Butter-Truth! & Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A list of comparative facts about margarine and butter. The Truth: The heart of this eRumor, the comparison between butter and Margarine, has been circulating since 2005.  Later versions added the tidbit about Margarine being manufactured to fatten turkeys. We’ll go through the email one fact at …

Butter versus Margarine-Truth! and Fiction! Read More »

CA-125 Cancer test is the best way to screen for Ovarian cancer-Fiction!

The “CA-125” Cancer Screening Test Is The Best Way To Detect Ovarian Cancer–Fiction! Summary eRumor: This is the first-hand account of a woman who says she was eventually diagnosed with ovarian cancer, but laments that she wasn’t given a “CA-125” medical test earlier than when she got it.  She urges women to get the test annually …

CA-125 Cancer test is the best way to screen for Ovarian cancer-Fiction! Read More »

Over Five Million Health Care Polices Cancelled After ACA Roll Out – Special Report!

When discussing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), President Obama, on several occasions, promised Americans that if they have health insurance that they could keep their old polices. The President also said that if Americans liked their doctors that they could keep their doctors. After the Obamacare roll out over 5 million people in the US have been notified by mail of policy cancellations from their health insurance companies because they do not meet up to the standards of the new law.