
Two Egyptian Children Buried for 15 Days Say Jesus Saved Their Lives-Unproven!

Two Egyptian Children Buried for 15 Days Say Jesus Saved Their Lives-Unproven! Summary of eRumor: The eRumor says a Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife then buried his infant and 8-year old daughters alive with his wife’s body.   Fifteen days later after another family member died and the grave was opened, the children were …

Two Egyptian Children Buried for 15 Days Say Jesus Saved Their
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A.F.A. Calls for a Boycott of Harvey Milk Postage Stamps-Truth!

The American Family Association (A.F.A) has activated a boycott campaign against U.S. Postal Service stamps commemorating Harvey Milk, the first openly gay politician to be elected to public office in California. Emailed alerts from the American Family Association (A.F.A.) were sent out instructing readers not to accept Harvey Milk postage stamps from local post offices. A.F.A. The alerts also advise reader not to accept mail that have been postmarked with the Harvey Milk stamps and write ‘Return to Sender” on the envelope.