Fox’s Tucker Carlson Pushes Conspiracy Theory Blaming FBI for Capitol Riot
Legal experts quickly shot down the far right presenter’s attempts to downplay the January 2021 attack.
Legal experts quickly shot down the far right presenter’s attempts to downplay the January 2021 attack.
Jenny Cudd, who boasted that she took part in the attack against the U.S. Capitol on January 6 2021, became an online symbol for white privilege in the judicial system after asking for permission to leave the country.
Hyperpartisan sites and tabloids reported that an “antifa leader” or a “BLM activist” named John Sullivan (JaydenX) was arrested in connection with agitating the Capitol insurrection.
An Instagram video brought to light the woman’s attempt to whitewash the seditious January 6 2021 attack.
The social media platform continued to describe Trump’s weaponized lies about the 2020 elections as “disputed” claims.
Aerial photographs of an impressively large crowd spread widely on Parler, Twitter, and 4Chan, captioned, “we the people are no longer silent.”
A story out of St. Petersburg sparked new concerns about voter intimidation.
The ways the alleged co-conspirators used social media for organizing and recruitment came to light following their arrests.
Far-right disinformation purveyors tried to associate the movement with an incident at a St. Louis protest.
Footage of the encounter in Salem spread from a live broadcast across virtually all social media.