If You Misspell BernieSanders.com as BernieSander.com, Do You Get Redirected to a Donation Page for the Biden Campaign?
Not only is the claim true, mobile visitors can’t really see the Joe Biden campaign logo by default.
Not only is the claim true, mobile visitors can’t really see the Joe Biden campaign logo by default.
A popular thread on Reddit’s r/SandersforPresident and r/all involved the Democratic presidential candidate’s purported role in making student loans non-dischargeable in bankruptcy.
On Super Tuesday, screenshots circulated suggesting that MSNBC had swapped colors on a graphic to imply Bernie Sanders was less “favorable” in polling data than fellow presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg.
The political ad takes aim at Democratic candidate Joe Biden prior to the state’s Democratic caucuses.
A Twitter user claimed a map showed which states are doing internet searches for the 2020 presidential candidate the most in the previous month.
Viewers cried foul after a segment appeared to omit the Vermont senator and presidential candidate.
The eighteen-second clip was taken out of context from the Democratic Party presidential candidate’s remarks on violence against women.
On April 30 2019, the following post was shared to the Facebook group “Sussex County Voice” (archived here), alleging that when he was vice president of the United States, Joe Biden revealed the names and unit responsible for killing Osama bin Laden: ???? PLEASE REMEMBER THIS about Joe Biden When he was the Vice President, he …
Did Joe Biden Disclose the Names of the Soldiers Involved in the Bin Laden Raid in 2011? Read More »
An ugly moment in a 2020 presidential debate followed online attacks.
Joe Biden didn’t say that the hero who stopped the Sutherland Springs church shooter shouldn’t have been allowed to own a gun.