Crime / Police

Who Am I?-Truth!

An eRumor sometimes labeled “Who am I?” or “Quiz” asking what GOP VP nomination was less than 45 of age, governed a state less than two years, had many children, loved the outdoor, hunted, was a Republican reformer and had taken on the Republican party establishment. The answer is Teddy Roosevelt in 1900.

Beheadings of deputies in San Diego County?-Fiction!

Three Sheriff’s Deputies Beheaded Near the Border in San Diego County, California-Fiction!   Summary of eRumor: The forwarded email says there is a media cover-up of the decapitation of three Sheriff’s deputies in San Diego County, California.  The facts came to light during testimony at a Congressional hearing on Border Vulnerability. The Truth: This eRumor …

Beheadings of deputies in San Diego County?-Fiction! Read More »