Chairman of Progressive Insurance Peter Lewis Donated Millions to Left Wing Organizations-Truth!
Progressive Insurance Chairman Peter Lewis donates millions of dollars to the American Civil Liberties Union, and other “leftist” causes.
Progressive Insurance Chairman Peter Lewis donates millions of dollars to the American Civil Liberties Union, and other “leftist” causes.
New York Post report about the ACORN activist bribing Freddie Johnson with cash and cigarettes to fill out voter registration forms. Johnson claims he registered to vote 72 times over an 18 month period.
A resident of Wasilla, Alaska wrote her views on Republican VP Candidate Sarah Palin pointing out her executive experience and calling her “America’s answer to Margret Thatcher”
This is a forwarded email that said Congress passed a bill called “The American With No Abilities Act.” Under this new bill, more than 25 million new mid-level positions will be created, all having very important sounding titles with little responsibility, which will provide the new workers with a sense of purpose and performance.
A forwarded email warning that several US states have bills in process that would require that all firearm ammunition be encoded with a micro-stamp in order to keep track of ammunition sales. The email goes on to say that any non encoded ammunition sold would be subject to a tax.
This is a forwarded email with photo that says the American flag was desecrated by protesters at an immigration rally in Phoenix, Arizona.
The disinformation of 2006 and subsequent years has formed the backbone of right-wing policy in 2022.
A bill would enable medical providers in Michigan to deny care to gay people based on religious beliefs.
A chain email turned into a meme claims to be a list of “facts” about unauthorized immigration to the United States, but it fails badly on the “facts” front.
A short-lived blog’s attempt at humor hinged on mocking the Obama administration — and the poor.