
Harry Reid Behind Bureau of Land Management Land Grab of Bundy Ranch-Pending Investigation!

Rumors are flying on the Web about a stand off between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and a cattle rancher named Cliven Bundy. Conspiracy theorists alleged that Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) masterminded the incident to make way for additional development of solar energy farms in the state of Nevada. Other allegations said Reid’s son, Rory, is the legal representative for ENN Energy Group, a Chinese firm that is building the solar energy plant 35 miles from the Bundy’s ranch.

Family with Down Syndrome Child Meet McCain and Palin-Truth!

This eRumor is a transcript of a conversation between a caller and talk radio host Rush Limbaugh that aired on the EIB radio program. The caller, Kurt in Philadelphia, told Rush how Senator McCain and Governor Palin noticed a sign that his family had brought to a rally which said, “We Love Kids with Down Syndrome.” The candidates asked Secret Service agents in charge security to request a an audience with the family.