Detroit Loses Money on $30 Parking Tickets – Previously Truth! Now Resolved!
Detroit loses $2 on each parking ticket because a parking ticket there costs $30, but it costs Detroit $32 to issue it.
Detroit loses $2 on each parking ticket because a parking ticket there costs $30, but it costs Detroit $32 to issue it.
This is a forwarded email that tells readers not to donate money to the Wounded Warrior Project because they are spending more money on other expenses than what is being spent on program services.
This is a forwarded email that says Howard Schultz, the Chief Executive Officer of Starbuck, told shareholders that if they did not like the company’s stance on gay marriage to find another company to invests their money.
A forward email that complains that refugees get $2470 a month, an amount much higher than what retired people earn who paid into the social security system most of their adult lives.
The U.S. Senate has Voted to Give Social Security Benefits to Illegal Aliens—Even Though They Have Not Paid Into It-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A couple of these are circulating, both in the form of petitions. One says that the U.S. Senate has voted to allow illegal aliens to collect on Social Security even though they …
Social Security for Illegal Immigrants who have not contributed?
Fiction! Read More »
This is a forward email that contains a warning that alleges that the U.S. Dollar is expected to collapse on July 1, 2014 because H.R. 2847 will be going into full effect.
This is a forwarded email that appears to be an article about Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke. It says that the “totally sloshed” Bernanke walked into a bar, ordered some drinks and told patrons the truth of the condition of the economy in the United States. The story said that Federal Reserve Chairman refused to pay for his bar tab because the money was worthless but fed the juke box with enough coins to play the Dire Straits song, “Money For Nothing” five times in a row.
Enter your ATM Pin Number Backwards to Summon Police-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: An alert that if you ever find yourself in a scary situation at a banking ATM machine, such as a thief forcing you to withdraw cash, just enter your personal identification number (PIN) backwards. That will automatically send a message to the police …
Call the police to an ATM machine by entering your PIN backwards-Fiction! Read More »
Forwarded emails alleging that 36 cities in 20 states in the U.S. have forsaken the dollar and replaced it was a monetary system invented by Thomas Edison in 1922.
McDonald’s Hamburgers has Removed Israel From Its Internet List of Locations and is Targeting Palestinians With Financial Support–Fiction! Summary of eRumor: This email, which claims to be from an Israeli, says that McDonald’s is donating 30 cents from each meal sold in Saudi Arabia to Palestinian casualties. Additionally, the email claims that McDonald’s …
Money from Saudi Arabian McDonald's helping terrorists-Fiction! Read More »