
Presidential Prayer Team organizing prayer for the president-Truth!

Pray for the President with www.presidentialprayerteam.org–Truth!     Summary of eRumor: This report says that www.presidentialprayerteam.org is trying to get 2.8 million people to agree to pray regularly for the president. The Truth: We’ve looked into this and it’s a legitimate effort with the endorsement of numerous Christian leaders including Dr. Paul Cedar of the …

Presidential Prayer Team organizing prayer for the president-Truth! Read More »

The terrorist flight number that tells the story in graphics-Fiction!

The Flight Number, Tail Number, Or Gate number, etc. of one of the Airliners Hijacked by Terrorists Tells a Story of Destruction when Changed Into a Particular Microsoft Font-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: An email says that the flight number of one of the airliners hijacked by terrorists on September 11 is “Q33NY.”  If you highlight that …

The terrorist flight number that tells the story in graphics-Fiction! Read More »

Concerns over the distribution of donations collected for victims of September 11-Truth!

There are Concerns Over The Distribution of Donations Collected for Victims of September 11–Truth! Summary of eRumor:The message says that more than one billion dollars has been collected for the victims of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., but that only a fraction of it has gotten to the families.  It also …

Concerns over the distribution of donations collected for victims of September 11-Truth! Read More »

Unpatriotic activities at Dunkin Donuts-Fiction!

Unpatriotic Activities at Dunkin Donuts–Fiction! Summary of eRumor:A boycott of Dunkin Donuts stores is advocated in an email that describes outrageous conduct at some of them.  According to the eRumor, the owner of a store was seen burning a U.S. Flag, at another store, the U.S. flag was found on the floor wit Arabic writing …

Unpatriotic activities at Dunkin Donuts-Fiction! Read More »

Click on a website to donate cans of Campbell's soup to the hungry-Truth!

Click on a website to Donate Cans of Campbell’s Soup to the Hungry–Truth! but Now Over! Summary of eRumor:This email says that in New York and Washington D.C., there is going to be a lot of pressure on food banks because of the terrorist attacks.  If you go to a Cambell’s Soup site, you can …

Click on a website to donate cans of Campbell's soup to the hungry-Truth! Read More »

The Dalai Lama issues a statement on terrorism-Fiction!

An Inspirational Message From The Dalai Lama–Fiction! Summary of eRumor:This collection of thoughts and recommendations has been circulating widely since shortly after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C.  Each of the emails says it is a teaching from the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Buddhist leader. The Truth: This did not originate from …

The Dalai Lama issues a statement on terrorism-Fiction! Read More »

President Bush's hospital salute to a soldier injured in the terrorist crash into the pentagon-Truth!

President George W. and Laura Bush’s Hospital Salute to a Soldier Injured in the Terrorist Crash into the Pentagon-Truth! Summary of eRumor: The account of a visit by President and Mrs. Bush to the Washington Burn Center shortly after the terrorist attack of a hijacked jetliner at the Pentagon.  According to the story, Mrs. Bush …

President Bush's hospital salute to a soldier injured in the terrorist
crash into the pentagon-Truth!
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President: Camel in the butt quote-True

President Bush’s “Camel in the butt” Quote–True!   Summary of eRumor:The message says that after the terrorist attacks on America, President Bush was asked why it was taking so long to take action against the terrorists.  Bush is said to have replied, “When I take action I’m not going to fire a $2 million missile …

President: Camel in the butt quote-True Read More »